How to grind coffee beans with a blender

How to grind coffee beans with a blender

Coffee lovers use to appreciate high quality and selected beans, usually ground just before brewing. For grinding, people generally use a coffee grinder, a special machine to grind the beans, getting them ready for brewing! But if you want a coffee ground just before brewing and you don’t have a coffee grinder around, you can use a blender for this process.

Check it out below, step by step!

  1. You will need a blender and the quantity of beans necessary for the coffee, nothing more, because to maintain the coffee’s aroma and freshness, the beans must be ground just before brewing.
  2. Clean the blender, put a small quantity of beans in it – if more beans are needed, you can repeat the process – and blend for 15 seconds.
  3. Turn it off and shake the jar to get the beans loose.
  4. If necessary, blend for another 15 seconds and repeat the process described above until the beans are ground to your desired consistency, noting that each type of coffee requires a different grinding for its brewing.


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